Ally Sheedy Bio

Alexandra Elizabeth Sheedy has been an American actress since the year 1983. After her debut film in 1983's Bad Boys, she was part members of the Brat Pack cast of actors. She was also a part on WarGames The Breakfast Club and Short Circuit. Sheedy was awarded the Independent Spirit Award in Best Female Role for her work in Lisa Cholodenko's High Art. Sheedy was wed to David Lansbury in April 1992. David Lansbury is the nephew and son-in law of Angela Lansbury. Edgar Lansbury produced Godspell. Beckett Lansbury was born in 1994. Sheedy admitted that she's learned a great deal from Beckett. Alexandra Elizabeth Ally Sheedy is an American actor and writer. Her birth date was June 13, 1962. Her most well-known roles include the lead actress in Brat Pack's movies The Breakfast Club, and St. Elmo's Fire. The Breakfast Club is the name of a John Hughes-directed film. The name "The Breakfast Club" as the film's title is derived from an acronym that some schools employ to detain students. Presumably students arrive early in the morning, around the time of breakfast to detain. The Next Generation. Sheedy's resume includes "teacher". She has taught acting classes at City College, New York City.

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